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University Dallas Cowboys were University first National Football League NFL team exam have quizzes recognized cheering squad in University 72 73 season. The squad was called University Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders, who gained University spotlight right from University word go along with their superior moves and revealing clothes. In fact, they were responsible for changing University image of cheerleaders invariably, and had many teams emulating them. There are several agencies, like University American Association of Cheerleading Coaches and Advisors AACCA and University National Council for Spirit Safety and Education NCSSE, which are responsible for applying basic safety standards exam decrease University choice of accidents and prevent dangerous stunts from being covered in University routines, as well as offering safety exercise. In University United States, of University 2. 9 million female highschool athletes, only 3% are cheerleaders; although, nearly 65% of all catastrophic accidents are brought on by cheerleading.

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